Friday, October 31, 2008

Kevin Shepherd And New Age Believer Alan Kazlev

Kevin Shepherd And New Age Believer Alan Kazlev
It is very amusing that Kevin Shepherd (a staunch Anti-New Age advocate) heavily cited and used M. Alan Kazlev as a credible and reliable reference against Joe Moreno.

Alan Kazlev (the alleged credible and reliable reference that Kevin Shepherd cited against Moreno) is a true-believer, promoter and endorser of Integral Transformation, Integral Metaphysics, Reincarnation, Spirit Possession, Trolls, UFOs, Aliens, Alternate Realities, Cosmic Redemption, Planetary Buddhas, Avataric Gurus, Psychic Powers, Devas, Earth Spirits, Elementals, the Occult, Kundalini, Astrology, Karma, Auras, Astral Bodies, Astral Planes, Astral Beings, Geomancy, Theta Magic, Natal Charts, Samskaras, various New Age philosophies, etc.

Alan Kazlev claimed Ramana Maharshi as his “sadguru” and Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mirra are his “gurus”. Futhermore, Alan Kazlev ranted about his past lives on his website, claiming past life associations with Ancient Rome, Atlantis and Ancient Greece. Alan Kazlev claimed he lived past lives as a Polish Kabbalist, a German Soldier and a 19th Century English gentleman-scholar, philosopher theologian and naturalist raised as a British Israelite. Kazlev stated he reincarnates two to three times a century and was “exiled” to Earth (apparently from another planet) to help in the spiritual transformation of the World (Reference).

It has since come to light that Alan Kazlev is a grungy guy who loves to drool over images of a “pornographic kind” (according to Robert Priddy’s moral standards: Ref) and wrote two cyberpunk articles replete with filthy speech and sexually explicit material. See:

- syndorphin2-6-C by M. Alan Kazlev or View Syndorphin 2-6-C Blogged Post

- Hap New Year by M. Alan Kazlev or View Hap New Year Blogged Post

It is very amusing that Kevin Shepherd (a staunch Anti-New Age advocate) is citing a New Age believer as a credible, reliable, reputable and noteworthy “reference” against Moreno. What does this say about Kevin Shepherd? Kevin Shepherd is obviously a very gullible and naive person who is willing to give credence to New Age beliefs by claiming that New Age followers are intelligent, honest, credible and reliable individuals who are worthy of being referenced by him (an alleged “scholarly” and “academic” author not given to superstition or superstitious beliefs). This information is going to be very disillusioning to Kevin Shepherd’s readers and admirers (as few as they are).

It is also disturbing that Kevin Shepherd miserably failed to mention the fact that Moreno fully responded to M. Alan Kazlev on his official websites (Refs: 01 - 02). Kevin Shepherd also miserably failed to mention that M. Alan Kazlev defamed Moreno with bogus psychological profiles (areas of expertise he admitted he has no credentials in) and viciously insinuated that Moreno had a sexual oiling massage from Sathya Sai Baba (a bold-faced and gutter untruth) and that Moreno sees Sathya Sai Baba as a “much loved surrogate father figure” and “possibly a pretend homosexual lover” (more bold-faced and gutter untruths). Moreno has fully responded to Alan Kazlev’s defamations and misrepresentations in his article entitled Joe Moreno Refutes Being Sexually Abused By Sathya Sai Baba.

Strangely enough, Alan Kazlev fully admitted (several times) that he did not have the “time”, “patience” or “inclination” to research the Anti-Sai movement for himself and simply “skimmed” through information I sent him and relied on critics to better inform him. This is not surprising after reading Alan Kazlev’s Disrespectable Me bio.

This is the type of New Age true-believer, liar, pseudo-psychologist and morally debauched defamer that Kevin Shepherd blindly believed, endorsed and cited against Moreno. What does this say about Kevin Shepherd? It would appear that Kevin Shepherd is gullible, naive and is giving credence to New Age beliefs by claiming New Age followers can be intelligent, sober, honest, credible and reliable individuals.

Needless to say, Kevin Shepherd would have known all these facts had he cared to contact Moreno or had he cared to research this matter thoroughly. Kevin Shepherd did not care to contact Moreno nor did he research this matter thoroughly, thus confirming his bias, shabby research and non-serious investigation into the Sai Controversy.