Friday, October 31, 2008

Kevin Shepherd And Ullrich Zimmermann

Kevin Shepherd And Ullrich Zimmermann
Kevin Shepherd had the following to say about Ullrich Zimmermann (an alleged sexual abuse victim of Sathya Sai Baba):

“One of the most arresting testimonies has only recently been duly evaluated. Ullrich Zimmermann (a German now living in America) has become noted for three lengthy online video interviews (at the US portal in which he describes in detail his relationship with Sathya Sai Baba.”

Kevin Shepherd conveniently forgot to mention that Ullrich Zimmermann is a New Age follower of Ramtha (an alleged 36,000 year-old entity as channeled through the psychic medium JZ Knight). It is indeed peculiar that Kevin Shepherd (a strong Anti-New Age advocate) would be citing the testimony of a New Age follower against Sai Baba, calling his stories “most arresting testimonies”.

Kevin Shepherd also forgot to mention that Ullrich Zimmermann originally recalled his alleged experiences with Sathya Sai Baba while drunk at a Ramtha wine ceremony and after the 36,000 year-old entity commanded him to “teach Sai Baba a lesson”. Ullrich Zimmermann described his experiences with Sathya Sai Baba as “white tantra” and explicitly stated (several times) that he was not sexually abused and his experiences were an “honor” conferred upon him!

Zimmermann also claimed that Sathya Sai Baba instantaneously cured him of a long-term breathing ailment by materializing oil and applying it to his chest along the “kundalini line”. Leave it to Kevin Shepherd to leave out these wholly relevant facts and attempt to whitewash Zimmermann’s accounts by citing only self-serving information taken exclusively from Anti-Sai websites (which one would not expect from a serious researcher).

And to top it all off, Ullrich Zimmermann actually claimed that Sathya Sai Baba literally and miraculously transformed his genitals (from a penis to a vagina and vice versa) with a snap of his fingers twice! In addition, Zimmermann also claimed he saw a flash of white light fly out the Guru’s penis! These are the ludicrous (and quite frankly unbelievable) stories that Kevin Shepherd endorsed, believed and described as being “most arresting testimonies”. Nice to know that Kevin Shepherd (who attempts to portray himself as rationalistic and “sober”) is citing genital-switch miracles, paranormal phenomena and the testimony of a New Age follower against Sai Baba.

What does this say about Kevin Shepherd? Kevin Shepherd is obviously a very gullible and naive person who is willing to give credence to New Age beliefs by claiming that New Age followers are intelligent, honest, credible and reliable individuals who are worthy of being referenced by him (an alleged “scholarly” and “academic” author not given to superstition or superstitious beliefs). Again, I am sure this information is going to be very disillusioning to Kevin Shepherd’s readers and admirers (as few as they are).

Further Reading On Ullrich Zimmermann: